Saturday, January 24, 2009

Your Thoughts of War, Religion and Love

Mood: confused, tired.
Hating: that I got nothing done today.
Loving: the amazingness known as chocolate.
Lip-syncing: David Cook -- Last Request


As of Tuesday, January 20th, 2009, Barack Obama officially became the President of the United States of America. Only two days into office, and he's started his work. I like to think that closing down Guantanamo Bay is only the first of a great many of changes.

I've noticed that lots of people are buying into the "Obama-mania". There are the shirts, the buttons the mugs, the books, the hats, the bobble heads; they're even putting him into a curriculum in a Toronto school! This Obama Fever is just incredible to witness.
Although not quite old enough to remember first-hand, I can't help but think of the Canadian equivalent. "Trudeau-mania", anyone?

Some people are just being negative though. Their criticisms are flying left and right, and so many are claiming that Obama will be ruined by coming into power during such a time of economic crisis. He's just making more promises that, as a politician, he is bound to break.

When did we start viewing politicians as the lowest of low?

Why is it not okay to view Obama as a sort of hero? I don't 100% agree with the idea of throwing him into an educational curriculum just yet, but I think that Obama has accomplished a great deal. He is the first African-American to win presidency. He's renewed the faith in democracy and the freedom of men that many had lost.

Sure, he may not follow through with everything he's claimed, but I think Obama - for lack of a better word - overseeing the U.S. is such a feat in itself, that anything else he accomplishes is just icing on the cake.
Just listen to his speech, if you doubt. It's nice to hear coherent sentences from a president, is it not? The vivid imagery and strength in his words encourage and inspire; isn't that what a politician should do?

So perhaps people should tone down the politic-hating, and appreciate the beauty and freedom that is democracy. If only for a little while.

In the meantime, despite the creepy factor, I'm going to out and hunt down an Obama bobblehead.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

writing blah

I find it weird because i don't mind writing when i'm in the mood but most of the things i write i would never let anyone see. When i write i write fromthe heart and it is all very personal. I don't write stories or amusing antidotes for fun, i write them when i must. In writers craft we had to write many times and i did everytime, most of the time however i wrote the night or worse the period before. The worst mark i ever got was a 75. But when it means something to me i can actually write well, and enjoy it!
i think thats the problem with this whole blogging thing, nothing inspires me to write because i just don't care about anything!i am the only intressting thing in my life! :P

kidding but honestly i can't think of my own topics. but not a lame one because lame topics create lame writing.

Monday, January 12, 2009


i have nothing to blog about....
inspire me!